March 30, 2025
Julian Barbour and Tim Maudlin argue their opposite position on whether time is a fundamental reality or an illusion shaped by human perception and experience.
Explore more:
- Timeless Explanation: A New Kind of Causality, Julian Barbour: There are serious indications from attempts to create a quantum theory of gravity that time must disappear completely from the description of the quantum universe. This has been known since 1967, when DeWitt discovered the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. I shall argue that this forces us to conceive explanation and causality in an entirely new way.
- "Dirty Secrets of Quantum Foundations by Matt Leifer": Despite its empirical success and wide recognition as one of the most robust physical theories, quantum mechanics still harbors many foundational questions that physicists often overlook. Join physicist Matt Leifer as he unveils some of the "dirty secrets" of quantum mechanics, including misconceptions about the Copenhagen interpretation.
- "What is Time?"FQXi's Lorenzo Maccone delves into the one of the deepest question in philosophy and discusses what modern physics can tell us about the nature of time. This introductory lecture discusses relativity, time travel, and quantum gravity.