Information As Fuel: Future Directions

LATEST VIDEO | September 19, 2024
Broughton Hall panel discussion on the future of using information as fuel. Featuring: Jorge Tabanera Bravo ⁠ Zina Cinker Natalia Ares ⁠ Susanne Still⁠ Federico Fedele⁠ Sofia Sevitz Maximilian Lock⁠

The Young Scientists Learning Quantum Thermodynamics

LATEST VIDEO | September 19, 2024
In the heart of the Austrian Alps, where snow-capped peaks touch the sky, a unique convergence of minds takes place. Welcome to Obergurgl, Austria, where FQxI hosts a conference as part of the Information as Fuel program. We brought together young physicists from around the world to present their talks to kindred spirits, all united by their passion for the unknown. The conference was not just about discussing physics, but also about fostering a sense of community among young physicists.

IPI Talk - Dr. Emily Adlam: Are Entropy Bounds Epistemic?

LATEST VIDEO | September 19, 2024
Entropy bounds have played an important role in the development of holography as an approach to quantum gravity. In this talk I will introduce the strong and covariant entropy bounds, and then discuss how the covariant bound should be interpreted. I will argue that there is a possible way of thinking about the covariant entropy bound which would suggest that it encodes an epistemic limitation rather than an objective count of the true number of degrees of freedom on a light-sheet; thus I will distinguish between ontological and epistemic interpretations of the covariant bound. I will consider the consequences that these interpretations might have for physics and discuss what each approach has to say about gravitational phenomena. My aim is not to advocate for either the ontological or epistemic approach in particular, but rather to articulate both possibilities clearly and explore some arguments for and against them.