Information As Fuel: Future Directions

LATEST VIDEO | March 27, 2025
Broughton Hall panel discussion on the future of using information as fuel. Featuring: Jorge Tabanera Bravo ⁠ Zina Cinker Natalia Ares ⁠ Susanne Still⁠ Federico Fedele⁠ Sofia Sevitz Maximilian Lock⁠

Hipparchus | Julian Barbour | FQxI's "My Favourite" Ep 3

LATEST VIDEO | March 27, 2025

Welcome back to the FQxI "My Favourite" series, where our members explore their most cherished scientific ideas.

In episode three, Julian Barbour takes us back to 150 BC to uncover the revolutionary insights of Hipparchus, the great ancient astronomer. Hipparchus developed one of the first dynamical equations to describe the Sun's motion across the ecliptic, laying the foundation for the entire field of dynamics. He introduced the concept of relating time to the Sun’s position, relying on precise ratios and geometric reasoning.

This theory explained the non-uniformity in the Sun's motion and established a paradigm that has helped shape physics for millennia. Hipparchus’s legacy reminds us of the deep connections between observation, mathematics, and the quest to understand the cosmos.

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From Wormholes to Hollywood Movies: Jim Al-Khalili Meets Kip Thorne

LATEST VIDEO | March 27, 2025

Physicist Jim Al-Khalili of the University of Surrey and a member of FQxI's Scientific Advisory Council recently recorded a conversation with Nobel Laureate Kip Thorne, in front of an audience of 400 people at the Royal Institution in London. Thorne won the Nobel prize in physics for his work on LIGO and the detection of gravitational waves. He also worked with Christopher Nolan on the movie Interstellar. An edited version of the conversation was broadcast as part of Al-Khalili's BBC series The Life Scientific. This is the full version.

Explore more:

  • Listen to Jim Al-Khalili on the FQxI Podcast.
  • Hear more about the detection of gravitational waves on the FQxI Podcast.