February 19, 2025

Jeremy Butterfield discusses prediction in classical and quantum physics, highlighting the nuances of determinism in both. He challenges the common belief that classical physics is always deterministic and quantum physics is inherently indeterministic.

Explore more:

  • "What Exists? A Philosopher's Perspective by Jeremy Butterfield": The question of what exists has intrigued minds for centuries. In this video, Jeremy Butterfield summarizes the cumulative knowledge of logic and philosophy regarding the nature of existence, reality, and truth.
  • "What is Time?"FQXi's Lorenzo Maccone delves into the one of the deepest question in philosophy and discusses what modern physics can tell us about the nature of time. This introductory lecture discusses relativity, time travel, and quantum gravity.
  • "What Exists in the Quantum Universe by Steve Giddings"Quantum mechanics is undoubtedly one of the most successful physical theories, and seemingly all observed events respect its principles. However, will it still hold true for the Ultimate Quantum Theory? What implications does it have for questions like "What exists?", "What are observations?", and "What is the structure of quantum gravity?" Join Steve Giddings as he delves into these profound topics.