January 23, 2025
Fred Adams explores the intriguing concept of the multiverse and the conditions required for life-supporting regions, focusing on what it takes to have working stars.
Explore more:
- "Fred Adams: Limits on Computation": What are the physical limits constraining the exponential growth of computation? And how might we overcome them? And what does this tell us about advanced alien civilizations?
- "Strangeness in Neutron Stars": FQXi's Catalina Curceanu discusses how particle physics experiments at the DAFNE accelerator can be used to help us understand more about the make-up of neutron stars.
- "Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life? Great Mysteries Episode 2 -- FQxI Podcast": Nature's physical constants seem weirdly tuned to precisely the values needed for intelligent life to evolve in the universe. Miriam Frankel investigates whether this means our cosmos is fine-tuned for life, with physicists Paul Davies and Fred Adams.