Some species are studied by many civilizations of higher intelligence, to learn and to conserve if needed. The views and assistance of the most advanced species in the area studying the most advanced species on Earth are apparently subliminally communicated here to help conserve our species. Advice on requirements for survival and the different, Alien, approach to Physics is given, along with responses to key questions. A quite different and apparently far better approach to science, and in particular to fundamental physics and education emerges. Ways to re-start both our stalled intellectual evolution & theoretical advancement are suggested. Self-apparent and coherent solutions to some of the hardest questions encompassing all of physics are identified, but only where already hypothesized here, meeting an apparent 'prime directive.' It becomes clear that most current human theory is too reliant on old assumptions, maths and embedded beliefs, but that change to ways of thinking is likely the hardest task we face. Better research, and the training of young brains to dynamically visualize and rationalise nature and the universe is suggested.
Peter Jackson
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