Classical physics of Newton and Maxwell have been serving us continuously and quantitatively since the beginning within their defined domains, without any major controversies. In contrast, the highly mathematical Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Modern Astrophysics, while advancing our knowledge of the universe, have consistently remained controversial, from their respective beginnings, in many aspects of their interpretations. Persistent controversies imply some structural problems in our constructions of the mathematical theories and the interpretations (physical meaning) of the individual mathematical terms and the mathematical operators in the equations. We are proposing a paradigm shift in our conceptual approach to modeling the evolutionary processes of the cosmic system as creative system engineers. Because we see that every living species, single or multicellular, is surviving and thriving as creative system engineers. Every cell is constantly executing innumerable quantum chemical engineering functions. Some also build safe-abodes as skillful engineers. All these engineering actions must conform to the engineering rules allowed by nature. Therefore, our successful evolution depends upon our understanding and applying the rules (laws) of natures as living skillful engineers. Hence, we should re-organize our mode of structuring the working theories (mathematical equations) and interpret them as engineers, and not as creative mathematicians. Our minds should not be limited to appreciating the elegance of the working equations. We should try to connect each algebraic math-term of the equations with the real physical property of the natural entity being modeled. Each mathematical operator between the math-terms are executing some nature-allowed interaction. This leads to real physical transformations through energy exchange. In properly designed instruments, such physical transformations generate the data and validate the proposed theory. Thus, successful theories are enhanced further and becomes accessible to engineers. Science will be different: down to the ground, out of the ivory-tower, more accessible to everybody.
Chandrasekhar Roychoudhuri
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