How Could Science be Different? f

For answering the question about how science could be different, it at first needs an outline about what science is doing and why it is at all possible. The latter in turn inevitably leads to some fundamental questions we should ask about the nature of things like logics, mathematics, information processing machines and consciousness. This also necessitates to closer examine the inherent limits for these things. Thereby we try to follow the path of logics, instead of following a path entirely made out of subjective musings. Since logics is the main tool science has for its endeavour, it is inevitable to also in-depth examine some popular scientific assumptions and test their overall logical validity. In a birds-eye view we then try to develop a new, logically consistent perspective on these subjects. At the end we give a decisive justification for our perspective and also give an outlook about what in our opinion will come upon science in the future. This outlook can be understood as a prediction our newly developed framework makes about the future of science. Although we stress in this paper that the scientific method hardly can be much different than it is, we nonetheless predict that science and its self-conception will both change dramatically during the next decade.
Stefan Weckbach
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