Science “as it is“ has worked well on building useful knowledge of observable, sequential processing in the physical world that scientists can time, measure and calculate. However, current science is incomplete and has major unsolved problems and unanswered questions. Also, science has been inadequate in their studies of complex qualitative systems. For example, science has not been able to connect the qualitative aspects of consciousness, intelligence, creativity and life to the quantitative aspects of the physical world. Today’s science is based on two factors: 1. its fundamental assumption that the laws and constants of physics were present at the beginning and are in effect everywhere, all of the time and never change and 2. science’s rigorous adherence to the scientific method for discovering “truth”. My work shows that science’s assumption about its laws and constants is incorrect and that science can never be complete if it maintains that basic assumption. My investigations revealed that one successful creation process created and became the collective entirety of the quantitative physical universe and qualitative consciousness, intelligence, creativity, and life. Expanding science to include that successful creation process is not difficult. This essay provides an overview of how it can be done and provides examples of its value. It shows that the addition of successful creation to current science will solve sciences major problems, answer its major questions and provide a complete, comprehensive and comprehensible science. In doing so, the “new” science, would replace science’s Big Bang model of the creation of the physical world and its model of evolution with natural selection. They would be replaced with successful creation’s creative Bayesian methodology. With these changes, the combination of current science and successful creationwill pave the way for a creative “jump” in humanity’s comprehension of reality.
John Crowell
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