November 29, 2014

How parallel worlds interact with ours; redefining "life" in terms of predicting the future; questioning the founding assumptions of quantum theory; & the Philae lander sends back songs from a comet.
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Individual Stories

When Parallel Worlds Interact with Ours

In the main podcast Howard Wiseman describes a new model in which the forces between many *classical* parallel worlds create quantum effects in ours (indeterminism, tunnelling, double-slit interference, uncertainty). In this extended edition hear about zero-point and vacuum energies, quantised energy levels & entanglement too.
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Predicting the Future

Redefining the difference between living and inanimate matter, down to the molecular level, in terms of the ability to predict the future. Information and computer scientist Susanne Still speaks with reporter Carinne Piekema.
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Quantum Identity Crisis

Physicist Philip Goyal is questioning one of the founding principles of quantum theory, which gives rise to the chemistry of the Periodic Table, as he explains to reporter Colin Stuart.
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Sounds from a Comet

We started and ended the podcast with audio from the Philae lander's mission to a comet. Here are links to that footage and more...
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