July 28, 2015

Pluto, pentaquarks & Earth 2.0; Frank Drake talks about the new 100 million dollar hunt for alien life; conjuring a neutron star from a nanowire; & "Edge of the Sky" talks physics without the jargon.
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Individual Stories

Planets & Pentaquarks

Zeeya Merali & Brendan Foster round up the top physics news of July, including the Pluto flyby, the creation of the new pentaquark particle at the LHC, & the discovery of Kepler 452b, the most Earth-like planet discovered yet. Featuring cosmologist Andrew Pontzen.
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Frank Drake on a $100 million Alien Hunt

Founder of modern SETI, Frank Drake, discusses the new $100 million mission to listen out for alien communications. He talks about search strategies, the Drake equation, and why he's scared the aliens are sending us holograms. In this extended interview Drake also discusses new SETI job opportunities.
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Conjuring a Neutron Star from a Nanowire

Physicist Keith Schwab is on a quest to test quantum gravity in the lab, and to discover whether gravity causes quantum systems to collapse into classical ones, as he explains to reporter Carinne Piekema.
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Edge of the Sky

Cosmologist Roberto Trotta describes his attempt to junk astronomy jargon in his new book, "The Edge of the Sky," which uses only the 1000 most common words in the English language, as he explains to reporter Sophie Hebden.
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