March 6, 2013

Diverting asteroids headed for Earth; how the Higgs could destroy the Universe; SQUID experiments create light from the quantum vacuum; & does photosynthesis in plants have quantum roots?
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Individual Stories

Averting an Asteroid Apocalypse

Following the unexpected Russian meteor strike, and the close asteroid pass by Earth, astronomer Edwin Bergin discusses how to divert dangerous approaching space rocks -- and why we need better asteroid monitoring.
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Our Unstable Universe

Particle physicist Joe Lykken explains how the mass of the Higgs suggests that our universe is unstable -- and is in danger of being replaced by a new one, wiping is out in the process.
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Let There Be Light

Quantum physicist Sorin Paraoanu explains how his experiments use the dynamical Casimir effect to transform virtual photons in the vacuum into real photons.
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Quantum Roots of Photosynthesis

Do plants use quantum tricks to harvest light? Physicist Alex Chin describes his theory of how quantum effects can survive in biological systems.
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