Lund Nano Lab, matterport.com
Have you ever wanted to visit a quantum physics lab? Given many of us are in various stages of lockdown, I can't offer you an actual trip, but here's the next best thing: a cool tour of Lund University's Nano Lab, in Sweden, where FQXi member Ville Maisi is manipulating 'quantum dots'--semi-conducting nanoparticles--to better understand how the laws of thermodynamics need to be modified in tiny devices.
Reporter Colin Stuart has been chatting to Maisi and his colleagues Peter Samuelsson, Klaus Ensslin and Chris Jarzynski. You can read about their work in his article, and hear more about their goals on a special edition of the podcast.
But I wanted to share a 3D virtual version of the team's cleanroom at Lund, letting you walk around the lab and see what kind of tools they use to manipulate the quantum dots.