Is Quantum Theory exact? Exploring Quantum Boundaries (with a bonus Pasta Ala Carbonara recipe)

March 1, 2021
by Catalina Curceanu

I organized and chaired an online workshop between 10-11 December 2020, where participants discussed the possible boundaries and limits of validity of quantum mechanics theory and implications of this research in various sectors, including the possible link between quantum mechanics and consciousness. We hosted Sir Roger Penrose as a guest lecturer. This was the kick-off event of the ICON FQXi project--and YES, you can watch the videos!

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Please have a look at the videos spanning the quantum origin of time to consciousness and the collapse of the wave function.

From the theoretical point of view, since the famous Einstein-Bohr debate, quantum mechanics never stopped raising deep questions about its meaning and possible limits. In particular, the transition from the microscopic world, where systems are observed in a superposition of quantum states, to the macroscopic world, where systems have well defined properties (the so-called "measurement problem") still puzzles the scientific community and philosophers. For this reason, (some) scientists are pushed to look for explanations, including theories beyond the standard quantum one.

Some of the talks at the workshop presented various models and theories which go beyond the present quantum theory and "solve" the measurement problem by modifying it within the dynamical collapse models, which may also be related to quantum gravity. Angelo Bassi, Lajos Diosi, Sandro Donadi, Maaneli Derakhshani presented talks in this direction--from "Probing a Gravitational cat state: Theoretical issues and experimental possibilities" (MD), to the Collapse Models (AB) and more specific "Schrödinger-Newton equation: fundamental difficulties and attempts to relax them" (LD) and "The Diósi-Penrose model under X-rays".

These collapse models have the huge advantage that they can be tested experimentally-- and results and/or future plans for this type of experiment were discussed at the workshop, going from "Testing fundamental physics with trapped particles" (by Hendrik Ulbricht) to "An underground survey of Quantum Mechanics foundations" (K. Piscicchia) and "Testing collapse models using levitated nano-oscillators" (P. Barker). In the context of gravity-related collapse, the Guest Lecture was given by Sir Roger Penrose, 2020 Nobel prize winner, who spoke about the "Effective Retro-activity in Quantum State Reduction"--a new idea which he proposes to solve the collapse of the wave function without release of spontaneous radiation. Discussion about the issue of spontaneous radiation, which is central in many collapse models, was ongoing, showing how relevant the issue is.

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Quantum mechanics and collapse models are also relevant in biology, and this issue was discussed by Jack Tuszynski in his talk "In 100 years from quantum physics to quantum biology. How long to quantum medicine?" It was also a central issue in the talk given by Kelvin McQueen on "Consciousness and the collapse of the wave function," which was followed by an intensive discussion, involving, among others, Penrose, Lee Smolin and David Chalmers.

Many other issues related to exploring quantum boundaries were presented and discussed among participants. Some of them are: quantum metrology, discussed by Ivette Fuentes in "Can quantum metrology solve some of the biggest questions in fundamental physics?"; the quantum origin of time, in "What makes the universe tick: searching for the quantum origins of time", by J. Vaccaro; "The dynamics of difference", presented by L. Smolin, or the friendliness of a qubit, in "CAN A QUBIT BE YOUR FRIEND? Why experimental metaphysics needs a quantum computer", by H. Wiseman.

With more than 150 registered participants from all around the world, the workshop was organized in a series of talks followed by discussions, with a rich program containing a total of 25 talks. Among the speakers to the workshop there were distinguished FQXi members and some of the winners of the large grant within the "2020 Consciousness in the Physical World programme" (Angelo Bassi, Caslav Brukner, Lajos Diosi, Kelvin McQueen, Lee Smolin, Hendrik Ulbricht, Howard Wiseman).

Credit: Carlo Guaraldo

Credit: Carlo Guaraldo

The exploration of quantum boundaries and its possible connection with consciousness are fascinating issues attracting a lot of interest. New theories are emerging, pushing more and more refined experiments--which, only ten years ago, would have been considered science-fiction.

The workshop represented the kick-off of the FQXi project (FQXi-RFP-CPW-2008) ICON: Novel intertwined theoretical and experimental approach to test the ORCHestrated Objective Reduction theory as physical basis of consciousness.

More information as well as videos of the lectures can be found on the dedicated web-page of the event:


The workshop also offered an online Gadget, which we want to share with all those interested: A Scientific Way to prepare Pasta alla Carbonara, by Carlo Guaraldo, which you can download from the web page of the event: