How Could Science be Different? f

The current "Western" scientific paradigm has been criticized as "Galileo's error": the idea that reality can be described in the manner of points in motion and similar notions that lend themselves to mathematical modelling. The paradigm is challenged here in two ways. First, we find that no computational or even broadly "mathematical" model of a mind can even know that it has concrete existence. Second, MWI or EQM — the premiere attempt to make quantum mechanics "realistic" and deterministic — is fallacious and fails to resolve the measurement problem. These seemingly unrelated realizations work together to suggest that the quantum reality underlying the workings of the brain/mind enable it to appreciate and feel its transcendent character, as an aspect of a wider, universal mind underlying the universe. Conventional science will not be up to the task of modeling and working through such a broader reality. Panpsychism enabled by property dualism is the most promising new perspective.
Neil Bates
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