Today's physics is in a curious position. On one hand, modern physical theories show an unprecedented predictive power and precision, and are able to deal with processes ranging from subatomic particles to the whole Universe. On the other hand, even the most successful theories are challenged by seemingly very simple systems. This dichotomy seems to be rooted to the history of physics and exacerbated by today's academic and publishing modus operandi. In the present essay, we investigate how scientists approach the study of a physical process. We will first highlight what are the fundamental steps in any scientific investigation. We will then identify three ways of linking these steps which maximize our understanding of the process under investigation. Comparing these three approaches to the actual research process, we will identify the roots of the above dichotomy. We will then conclude by proposing an improved model of how science in general, and physics in particular, could be conducted, striving for a deeper understanding of the Universe.
Alice Boldrin
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