Science has greatly improved our lives by making them more convenient and efficient with innovations such as one-day deliveries, instant messaging, quick access to content, and news through search engines. It has evolved various aspects of human existence including communication, transportation, housing, clothing, food, healthcare, and more. Science has also opened up unexplored areas, such as addressing issues like racism, human ethics, climate change, and universal brotherhood, which have gained prominence through the education and awareness facilitated by the internet. In this article, we delve into the nature of scientific progress from a research-oriented perspective, comparing our current practices with their original form. Drawing inspiration from the achievements of great researchers in history, we emphasize on the role of the human mind and the inherent nature of intellect, characterized by silent contemplation. We present an alternate approach that could enable us to make significant advancements with regards to the puzzle of consciousness and thereby focus on some vital inferences that could help us practice sciences in a way that is dedicated to creating a better world. Through reflections on everyday observations, we see how this can serve as a driving force for a benevolent future, fostering a scientific temperament that is mindful of creating a positive impact.
Achal Vinod
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