How Could Science be Different? f

Using the classical explanation of the origin of Planck's constant, the fine structure constant and the gravitational coefficient, leads to new laws of classical mechanics for toroidal and vortex gravitational fields of orbital potential wells, which are observed in many experiments. Therefore, it can be assumed that Newton's law of gravity and Coulomb's law are not valid for planetary bodies. They are valid only for bodies that do not have orbital motion. In addition, the classical decoding of the fine structure constant leads to the real fractal structure of the elements of matter, an analogue of an abstract set of dimensions or worlds. The fractality of matter leads to its own gravitational coefficient and Planck's own constant, in each level of fractal matter and to the formation of the laws of its self-organization. The main problem of the modern concept of science is the lack of organizational and theoretical mechanisms for an objective study of the Universe. Therefore, a tendentious interpretation of experimental data is carried out using a set of abstract entities. Therefore, science should reconsider the explanations of all key experiments in order to search for hidden natural phenomena that do not fit into the modern concept and think about its modernization. Conclusions. In science, the period of replacement by mathematics of the lack of instruments for conducting experiments has long ended. Therefore, the role of the principles of classical mechanics should increase significantly.
Vladimir Fedorov
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