How Could Science be Different? f

In this essay we will mainly address why science is the way it is and why it could not have been any other way (in my opinion), and whether it can be made more realistic (better? This may be a matter of taste…) to comprehend natural phenomena considering all we have already understood and found out after centuries of thought. The intention is to explore an alternative view of natural phenomena that may be more accurate than the standard one, albeit it could be more cumbersome. One of the perspectives from which the subject of finding fundamental laws of physical reality appears simpler is given by what we almost immediately perceive in natural phenomena: interactions, elements exchanging energy. Inspecting these matters, some suggestions as to how the process of doing science and the world of academia could be improved by more balanced budgets will naturally appear along the lines of our reasoning. Let’s start inspecting reasons why contemporary science is performed in the ways we all know.
Jose Luis Perez Velazquez
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