How Could Science be Different? f

It is not diffificult to argue that what we are seeing in the world around us is a Technological Revolution. People living in 2023 are blessed to be able to experience advanced technology in their everyday life. Everything from contactless payments to self-driving cars, all of it has roots in singular minds of visionary individuals. With every Technological Revolution there follows a cultural revolution. The latter manifests itself through a change in people’s daily behaviours and their outlook on the world. The people who have to accept a new reality, embrace it sometimes without ever understanding it. Every person seems to have an upper bound on what they are willing to inquire, on complexity of premises that they are willing to challenge. Anything that resides above that bound is accepted straightaway, thereby falls into a category of ’common things’ where it does not provoke any critical thought. This leads to a culture of general acceptance, and never challenging the status quo. The responsibility that is imprinted in the role of Science as an engine propelling the Technological Revolution is diffificult to understate. Science gets to decide what, where and how you will be living your life. While this antropomorphisation of Science may seem misguided, it is a point of view allowing to comprehend that the state Science is a key variable in the evolution of our civilisation. This brief essay treats about several aspects of the scientifific craft, its current condition and prospects. It focuses on the dynamics between entities at the forefront of science, the meaning of original research and the future of science in light of technological progress.
Adam Wesołowski
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