In the aftermath of the stunning LIGO success using Post Newtonian approximations to obtain GW data to confirm the existence of GW, physics has made only incremental progress in terms of obtaining a robust model as to astrophysics in the early universe. In fact, after String theory took over and missed nailing the conditions of the Early Universe, data set fixation as to markers of early universe conditions has become the norm leading to a marked disinterest in terms of foundational inquiry as to the nature of actual mathematical models. I.e. computer data sets, not just in Astrophysics, but in terms of inquiry as to proving the foundations of quantum mechanics, have taken over scientific conferences, often at the most prestigious conferences, We need to partly reverse this, and be willing to go into serious inquiry as to mathematical foundations again, and to determine if as an example initial conditions stated as to physical processes are doing their initial conditions vetting right. As well as rediscover the universal ability of common sense to alleviate a host of ills affecting modern scientific inquiry
Andrew Beckwith
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