‘Science’ here means Natural philosophy We lament the potential loss of general ancient knowledge, not just works relevant to science. Considering in particular the uncertain history of demise of the library of Alexandria. What science is, is investigated? This is done using Aristotle's method of examining Causes for existence but modernized to take into account current knowledge unavailable to Aristotle (384–322 BCE). The same sort logic is applied to the subject of science. Enabling comprehension of the multifaceted raison d’etre of it. There are many different ways in which science could be different; Science could be different if ancient knowledge hadn’t been lost. The subject matter itself; such as if classification is updated to include extraterrestrial life. If it were taught differently for example requiring prior training in grammar, logic and rhetoric. Followed by training in metaphysics and ethics. The practice of science; More thorough examination of subjects as single highly accurate studies are still only relative truth. The possibility of AI innovation by trial and error, is considered; science trailing behind studying and trying to mitigate the harms done. Problems of relying on mathematics are outlined. Biology could have taken the lead on understanding relativity. Evaluation of scientific studies; It is suggested that replicating experimental work could become a specialty, maybe with its own dedicated journal. The potential of AI to assist in alleviating some of the problems with the current peer review system.
Georgina Woodward
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